Dr. Alireza Abdollahi-Fard
Dr. Abdollahi-Fard enjoys an active lifestyle reaching back to his participation in high school basketball and volleyball teams, his membership to the UCLA Ski and Snowboard Team during college. As a result, he has had his share of injuries and knows firsthand the frustration of chronic pain. He has always strived to show special empathy towards patients who are often allowed very little respite from their debilitating symptoms.
Dr. Abdollahi-Fard sees pain as the only chronic medical condition where the patient is acutely aware of, and affected by, the disease at all times. Subsequently, he feels this field of medicine must be strengthened, and advanced care must be available to the many individuals in desperate need of healing.
He has extensive training in all aspects of pain management, emphasizing a multimodal approach to pain therapy that includes medication management and minimally invasive interventional therapeutics. He has expertise in multidisciplinary care, cancer pain management, and particular experience in spinal cord stimulation and spinal medication delivery systems.
Dr. Abdollahi-Fard has a long-standing interest in the field of integrative health and pain medicine. During his training in anesthesiology at the University of California, San Francisco, his approval for an
advanced research track allowed him to investigate with leaders in pain medicine to focus on pain pathways and various treatment modalities. He applies his vast knowledge of pain mechanisms, pain theory, and pain potentiation to treat his patients in a unique manner that caters to their specific condition. Dr. Abdollahi also practices in San Francisco.
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Medical Doctorate
La Jolla, CA
June 2008
University of California, Los Angeles
Bachelor of Science – Microbiology,
Immunology, Molecular Genetics
Los Angeles, CA
June 2004
Post-Doctoral Training
University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, Pain Management Center
Pain Management Fellow – Advanced
Interventional Track
San Francisco, CA
July 2012 – July 2013
University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
Advanced Track Anesthesiology Resident
San Francisco, CA
July 2009 – June 2012
University of California, Los Angeles (David Geffen) Medical Center
Preliminary Internship in General Surgery
Los Angeles, CA
July 2008 – June 2009
Medical License/Board Certification
State of California
Medical License #A110374
American Board of Anesthesiology
Board Certified in Specialty – Anesthesiology
Board Certified in Subspecialty – Pain Management
Certification #49884
Professional Experience
Community Anesthesia Providers
General OR, OB, Regional Anesthesia
Fresno, CA
December 2014 – Present
Kaiser Permanente – San Francisco
General OR, OB, Regional Anesthesia
Experience as solo practioner as well as
supervising CRNAs and educating residents
Also helping initiate new acute pain service
San Francisco, CA
July 2012 – Present
Kaiser Permanente – South San Francisco
General OR, Regional anesthesia, Interventional
pain management clinic
Solo practitioner in OR (including regional) as
well as fluoroscopic guided injections in pain clinic
South San Francisco, CA
July 2013 – December 2014
University of California, San Francisco, Mount Zion Hospital
Acute Pain Service Chief Fellow
Coordinated acute pain management service
quality improvement with administration, nursing,
and clinical faculty
San Francisco, CA
July 2012 – June 2013
University of California, San Francisco Dept of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care Pain Management Ultrasound Regional Anesthesia Workshop
Ultrasound workshop assistant
Demonstrated sonoanatomy for regional
San Francisco, CA
November 2012
University of California, Los Angeles Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Lab technician
Conducted independent research focused on translational tumor immunology, ultimately aimed at developing novel immunotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of follicular B-Cell lymphoma and related cancers.
Initialized and developed a research project centered on creating and testing a novel way of conjugating idiotype protein to carrier proteins. Responsible for experimental design, data collection and analysis.
Created hybridomas, Id negative cell lines. Gained proficiency in molecular biology, flow cytometry, cell culture, and the design of murine models of human disease.
Los Angeles, CA
April 2002 – June 2004
Immuno-Biogene, Inc.
Research Assistant
Clinical laboratory with wide range of assays including routine labs, genotyping, bacterial resistance testing, PCR, ELISA.
Responsible for independent experiments as well as lab organization and administration.
West Hills, CA
March 1999 – April 2002
Professional Leadership
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Seminar Leader – Doctors Ought to Care (DOC)
Responsible for development and implementation of outreach seminars to junior and high school students in underserved areas across San Diego County.
Delivered educational lectures and practical demonstrations on topics including alcohol, sexual health, AIDS and smoking prevention.
La Jolla, CA
March 1999 – April 2002
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Clinic Chief – School of Medicine Free Clinic
Responsible for ensuring smooth functioning of weekly free clinic including supervising medical students, ensuring patients seen on time, confirming attending physicians’ schedules, and supplies present and available.
La Jolla, CA
July 2005 – May 2006
Western Anesthesia Resident Conference
Oral Presentation – “Does the Capsaicin
Receptor splice variant TRPV1var block activation
of sensory neurons to capsaicin?”
Marina Del Rey, CA
May 2012
Rady Childrens Hospital Residents Conference
Case report presentation – “A patient with
pancreatitis and dyslipidemia diagnosed with both
Glycogen Storage Disease Type IA and Type III
San Diego, CA
June 2007
The 48th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
Poster Presentation – “T cell and humoral
immunity generated against B cell lymphomas
using a sulfhydryl-based idiotype carrier protein
conjugation method”
Orlando, FL
December 2006
The 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
Poster Presentation – “Improvement of idiotype
vaccine efficacy using a sulfhydryl-based
December 2005 carrier protein conjugation
method: Results in multiple murine lymphoma models”
Atlanta, GA
December 2005
The 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research
Poster Presentation – “Vaccination with
sulfhydryl-based idiotype-carrier protein
conjugates elicits therapeutic anti-tumor
immunity superior to glutaraldehyde conjugates in
the A20 murine lymphoma model”
Anaheim, CA
April 2005
Betting, D. J., K. Kafi, A. Abdollahi-Fard, S. A. Hurvitz, and J. M. Timmerman. Sulfhydryl-based tumor antigen-carrier protein conjugates stimulate superior anti-tumor immunity against B cell lymphomas. Journal of Immunotherapy. 2008 Sep 15;181(6):4131-40.
Betting, D.J., K. Kafi, A. Abdollahi-Fard, S.A. Hurvitz, and J.M. Timmerman. Superior T cell and humoral immunity generated against B cell lymphomas using a sulfhydryl-based idiotype carrier protein conjugation method. Abstracts for the 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer, Journal of Immunotherapy. 2006, Nov; 29(6):644.
Western Anesthesia Residents Conference
2nd Place Oral Presentation – “Does the
Capsaicin Receptor splice variant TRPV1var block
activation of sensory neurons to capsaicin?”
Marina Del Rey, CA
May 2012
Department of Medicine, University of California in Los Angeles
2nd Place Oral Presentation – “Vaccination with
sulfhydryl-based idiotype-carrier protein
conjugates elicits therapeutic anti-tumor
immunity superior to glutaraldehyde conjugates in
the A20 murine lymphoma model”
Los Angeles, CA
June 2006
US Patent Pending
Sulfhydryl-based tumor antigen-carrier protein conjugates stimulate superior anti-tumor immunity against B cell lymphomas
Current Research
University of California, San Francisco, Department of Anesthesia Lab of Dr Mark Schumacher
Project Title: Transcriptional Control of TRPV1
and role of sp4 in regulating TRPV1 and long term
pain potentiation
San Francisco, CA
June 2011 – Present
Professional Membership
American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA)
California Society of Anesthesiology (CSA)
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP)
American Academy of Pain Physicians (AAPP)
International Spine Injection Society (ISIS)